eric holder james rosen scandal

As Benjamin Franklin  once said, “Those who give up their liberty for more security deserve liberty nor security.”

I believe those truths are being played out in front of our very own eyes. For how long are willing to allow an administration that has gone completely rogue via seizing the phone records of the press, auditing conservative groups via the IRS and allowing four Americans including an American ambassador to die at the hands of terrorists without a willingness to come to their rescue or bring their killers to justice, to continue to to step all over our rights. Even today, we received word that the Obama administration is gathering all the records of Verizon clients for their own ‘unknown’ use under the guise and gross misinterpretation of the Patriot Act. 

Instead of owning up to corruption they dig themselves further into it. by promoting Susan Rice to National Security Advisor, and Susan Power who has been less than sympathetic to the state of Israel to become the next ambassador to United Nations.

With all that said, the interview below just about sent me over the edge because here you have the US Attorney General willingly admitting that he lied to the courts to obtain the phone records of Fox News correspondent James Rosen, when he signed off on the document accusing him of being, “At the very least, either as an aider, abettor and/or co-conspirator”. 

That’s right he lied. And I quote Eric Holder when questioned about that label of Rosen, he said, “That phrase was required by law to get a search warrant…I don’t like that because it means that me as a government official with great respect for the press is, in essence, saying that a reporter who is doing his or her job and doing that very important job is somehow branded a criminal and I’m not comfortable with that and we’re going to change that.”

Here, Eric Holder willingly admits that he used a false term and purposefully mischaraterized an american citizen (James Rosen) to advance an agenda of his in the leak of sensitive intelligence of North Korea.

He actually admits that he didn’t actually comit any of those acts he was being accused of, it was just a neccessary means that was justifed by the end result.

What if the law said that he had to be categorized as a terrorist, a rapist, or some other deviant of society, would this administration steep so low to wrongfully accuse a person of such action just to further their own agenda?

Here’s the bottom line: Eric Holder clearly lied and willfully admitted to doing so in his interview with NBC’s Pete Williams. He has become one of the most disgraceful attorney generals to ever serve our country if not the worse, and he must step down, as well as be held personally accountable for lying to the courts and for his actions towards those in the press and the financial damage it may have caused them.  

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