the wolf of wall street official trailer leonardo decaprio

I’m pretty excited about seeing the new movie coming out called, “The Wolf of Wall Street”

I’m not familiar with the story, but the trailer looks riveting, and the cast is stellar with Leonardo DiCaprio, Matthew McConaughey, and Jonah Hill. 

You might be scratching your head at the inclusion of Hill in the movie, because he’s usually in the raunchy movies like Superbad but if you caught Moneyball, which is one of my all time favorites, you’ll see that he is a perfect fit for this movie. 

I have to restrain myself on how much I say about DiCaprio, since I don’t wan to lose my ‘Man Card’ because I happened to affirm any of his positive acting traits. So, I’ll leave it there, and let you watch the preview and decide for yourself. 

Release is scheduled for November 15, 2013.

Here’s the trailer.

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