One bounce, one breakout, one breakdown trade setup

With just three swing-trade setups this morning, I am covering a wide spectrum of trading styles that you can take with this market today. Dennis Gartman, the ultimate contrarian to go against in this market, said something broke in the market yesterday and that a 5% or worse of a pullback is in store for the market, so that probably means that the bulls will be trying to hit new all-time highs before the lunch hour approaches (I kid, but if you follow anything Gartman says, you know this guys is so opposite of what ever the market ever does). 

Be careful out there, no need to get overly long or short on this market. Just let the price action come to you and you’ll be just fine. 

Long FedEx Corp (FDX)

swing trade setup fdx

Stocks Watch List

Long Alibaba Group (BABA)swing trade setup baba

Short Abbott Laboratories (ABT)

swing trade setup abt