
If you are growing increasingly frustrated with the stock market, fear not…You are not alone. There are plenty of traders wringing their hands and giving up. 

The first four months of trading have been some of the most difficult trading you will find anywhere. Not because the market is “tanking” or “dropping like a rock” and it isn’t because it is “Taking-Off” or “Breaking-Out” and the retail trader is being left behind. 

No far from it! It is a difficult market simply because it isn’t doing ANYTHING.

Somehow capitalizing “anything” makes it seem like it might just be doing something, but believe me, it isn’t doing ANYTHING!

And it isn’t like it has rallied 10% and then pulled back 10% – that would be a welcomed development compared to the dull tape we have seen so far in 2015. This year has seen a maximum closing low of 3.3% below where it started the year and a top end move of 2.8%. That is about as tight of a band you’ll find anywhere. 

So how do you trade it? 

Well, first off, you don’t go 100% long or 100% short. In fact, today, as much as I wanted to, I sold my position in SDS (2x short of SPX) for about a 3% gain. Not because I don’t think this market can’t go any lower from here – in fact it is setting up to do exactly that. Instead it is because of the buying power that flowed into the market in the last hour of trading today, that was similar to the sell-offs that we saw on 4/30/15 and then again on 4/17/15. Both instances saw some heavy buying come online right before the market closed only to see a heavy bounce the following day. 

As a result, I am going to walk away from that position with a profit rather than risk it tomorrow on the possibility that this market bounces. And if it does bounce it will only give me a better opportunity to get short on this market once again. 

Staying nimble in this market has been absolutely critical – Cash is King – especially when it comes to staying profitable this year. No matter how bad you want massive profits, you have to put those wishes to the side and take what the market is willing to give you instead and only trade a few positions at a time while the market tries to figure itself out.

If you are looking for a place that you can learn to trade with strong risk management strategies to avoid the large portfolio draw-downs and put yourself in a position to regularly profit from the stock market, then you should consider signing up for the SharePlanner Splash Zone. With a Free 7-Day Trial, you will receive all of my swing-trades as well as access to my Trading Room, where I am at each and every trading session from the time the market opens until it closes. For those on the go, you can receive all my trade alerts via text (including international) and email. 

And don’t forget to check out my years of profitable trading, no matter the market. 

So give the Splash Zone a chance – it’ll turn you into a profitable trader, year-in and year-out and will teach you more than just finding stock picks, but how to actually manage each and every trade that I make. 

With The Splash Zone, you will get my low risk and high probability trade setups that no other trading service can offer.


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