My Stocks Watchlist for Short Setups

Yes, a stocks watchlist for bearish trading setups might not be the best idea on the surface for trading in this market. But I always keep one. How can I can I not? The market can turn at any moment, and one day that moment will arrive. Now while I am long and strong on this market, I have one eye on the exit at all times. 

When the day comes where the market decides to head south (perhaps many millenia from now), I don’t want to be caught in a situation where I am not prepared to capitalize on a weakened market. That is why I always stay prepared. I want a cheat sheet like the one below that will allow me to jump on the short bandwagon as soon as it becomes necessary. 

So should you! You need to keep this list handy and ready for anything the market might send your way. 
bearish my stocks watchlist 2 22

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