• One of the great shorts of the past decade is back for more. I honestly have no idea how these guys are even in business - I have never heard of anyone actually owning any of their products or services. Go Figure!

    |June 4, 2010|0 min read|
  • Here’s my long-watch list right now, and as you can see it is dramatically smaller than the short-list that I am working off of – the main reason being that, the types of setups that I look for – High Reward/Low Risk – are slim pickings of late. But there are 24 long-setups with the

    |June 3, 2010|1 min read|
  • I’ve provided you with 4 stocks to short in addition to the 63 stocks I provided you with last night. Each of these stocks have some major downside action that lies ahead for them, and honestly expect a few of these to drop 20% or more in the coming months. For each stock, I have

    |June 2, 2010|1 min read|
  • My Short Watch-List just keeps getting bigger and bigger. It’s like there isn’t chart out there that I can’t find a bearish case for, with the exception of bearish ETF’s (in which the bearish case means that you go long on the stock ). With that said, there are 63 stocks in all, and about

    |June 1, 2010|1 min read|
  • Last night I provided you with 51 short setups with stop-losses. Tonight, though, you will find that my long watch-list is must leaner, mainly due to a lot of the stocks that were on there, previously, being decimated by the market’s huge sell-off of late. So the ones I have listed below have actually, for

    |May 25, 2010|1 min read|
  • Here’s my weekly Short Watch-List that I post each week. There are about ten new names that I have added to the list and five that I have taken off. Overall the list has expanded from 46 to 51 stocks, and I’ve provided for each one a stop-loss. For those from last week, I have

    |May 24, 2010|1 min read|
  • Last night I provided you with some 46 short setups with stop-losses. Tonight, though, you will find that my long watch-list is must leaner, mainly due to a lot of the stocks that were on there being decimated by the market. So the ones I have listed below have actually, for the most part, held

    |May 19, 2010|1 min read|
  • As I try to do every week, below you will find my current watch-list for short setups. I keep a Long Setup Watch List (which I will be posting tomorrow night) and a Short Setup Watch List, which you will find below, at all times to provide me with the flexibility to “flip-the-switch” should the

    |May 18, 2010|2 min read|
  • I’ve included four short setups below with their ideal stop-losses. Each of these have solid reason to believe that they will see a significant decrease in their share price – especially if the bearish market conditions continue to hold. My favorite of the bunch happens to be the very last one, Varian Medical Systems (VAR),

    |May 17, 2010|1 min read|
  • Below is my current list of stocks that I am using to short from. The stocks below are either those that I have found to have ideal setups, close to becoming ideal setups, or stocks (like Goldman Sachs – GS) that have a level of intrigue that warrants inclusion on my list. Nonetheless, you have

    |May 11, 2010|1 min read|