It is of no use today for obvious reason, the market is having another hissy-fit led primarily by the rather large sell-off in Apple (AAPL) (or at least large for Apple anyways). 

There was a respectable bounce early on but as soon as the market touched ‘break-even’ the selling took off in dramatic fashion. And with a range bound market that dates back to February of this year the market is now trying to form a possible range within the range with a higher-low and a lower high in the past week of trading. Yes, nauseating, I know. 

Nonetheless, and as I try to do every Monday, I’ve published the list of long setups you should be having eyes on for this week. It may not come into play, but when a bounce does occur, you’ll want to have these stocks within arms reach. 

Here’s my bullish trade setups:


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