• |July 21, 2010|0 min read|
  • Here's the video blogcast of my market recap for today - and boy was it a dandy. I finished up the day 4.1% - the S&P was down 2.88%. I'll be posting some other material throughout the weekend, folks - so stick around.

    |July 16, 2010|0 min read|
  • |July 14, 2010|0 min read|
  • You'll want to make sure you turn up your speakers, I guess I could have done a better job of speaking into the microphone. Hope you are enjoying the weekend.

    |July 10, 2010|0 min read|
  • Ok, so I had a video for this particular post that I had done, and for some reason, when I went to go save the video I had just recorded, it did not save it and now I am a bit pressed for time as I’d like to go home and eat dinner with my

    |July 8, 2010|1 min read|
  • What started off with a boom, ended as quite a disappointment for the bulls today, giving up almost all of its gains on the day. However, the rally was still enough for me to where I don’t want to be net short heading into the open tomorrow. As a result, after having sold my long

    |July 6, 2010|1 min read|