I’m pretty excited about seeing the new movie coming out called, “The Wolf of Wall Street” I’m not familiar with the story, but the trailer looks riveting, and the cast is stellar with Leonardo DiCaprio, Matthew McConaughey, and Jonah Hill. You might be scratching your head at the inclusion of Hill in the movie, because
It doesn’t matter which side of the aisle you are on, this video is dadgum hilarious…not to mention genious…. Calling the NSA… that takes guts. You can tell the lady answering the phone doesn’t find it too funny. Here’s the video.
As Benjamin Franklin once said, “Those who give up their liberty for more security deserve liberty nor security.” I believe those truths are being played out in front of our very own eyes. For how long are willing to allow an administration that has gone completely rogue via seizing the phone records of the press,
I couldn’t resist the comparison between Pope Francis and President Obama. The first shows Obama at a recent press conference with reporters, and when there was a slight drizzle, he ushered in, of all people, a Marine to hold an umbrella over his head, while everyone else simply sat out there in the rain. The
The things we see in the news these days...and today is no exception. Here is a few clips of some of the news makers that are really getting under my skin... Pervert Anthony Weiner: The scandalous Louis Lerner keeping her trap shut And the freakshow Jodi Arias talking about her charitable contributions
With the scandals rocking Obama and Washington, D.C., I think the best way to summarize the week is found in the picture below…
If you want to understand all this scandal and cover-up going on in the Obama Administration, and you just can't get you mind around what is going on in the IRS, Attorney General's office, Inspector Generals, YouTube, State Department, West Wing, Libya and the Associated Press. I have called upon one of the all-time great
Today’s White House press briefing and the press’ message to Jay Carney and the rest of the Obama Administration:
Give me half of what they are spending to create a single job, and I’ll sit on my but all day long while providing the government with a 50% savings. I snagged this graphic off of CNBC today right after the FOMC statement came out. This is what all the money printing is supposedly doing
We are testing some key support levels here, and one has to ask whether the bears, despite the momentum they are showing ahead of the FOMC statement at 2pm eastern is running into a bear trap here… If you are not familiar with what a bear trap is, here is a great video on it