We as humans are emotional.  We aren’t robots.  But I am striving to become a little more like a robot when it comes to trading; kind of the opposite of that guy Data from Star Trek who wanted to become more human.  I have specific parameters and rules to follow and I repeatedly don’t
Adam called a great play on KITD (see below) to go long at the beginning of the day. He then longed it as it broke out in a textbook play. Good for about 5%. Go Adam!!!! Some other decent plays are below, but from what I saw most of the good plays where shorts in
If you are interested in looking...still working on my breakouts after 10 am. Today was a textbook day for this as the first 1/2 hour failed to produce long plays in most. Notice how these breakouts can be fast and volatile. I actually prefer the slower moving ones (look at ILMN). But I'll take anything
While I like to focus on the positives 🙂 , it's vastly more important to look at the moves that don't work. Sometimes there is no rhyme or reason. These 2 puzzled me today as they didn't move in line with the rest of the nasdaq group. They aren't on my absolute favorites list yet.Â
This was a really interesting day in the markets. We started out looking long for the 1st half hour, and then the bottom fell out....one of the main reasons why I don't trade before 10 am typically. I've seen this move happen way too many times to let it suck me in. We then dropped
I've been playing around with adding 2 moving averages to create a crossover buy or sell point. This is by no means a new idea, but something that varies from person to person since you can create any moving averages you want. I am using a 20 day Simple and a 30 day simple, based
Hey everyone. Here are some cherry picked winners for today :). I know it won't help you make money tomorrow, but it's important I feel to look at as many charts as possible from the past so that you can possible make good decisions about the future. I'm still working on my strategy and by
This was the worst day by far for my trading style. Check out some of the charts…they speak for themselves. These days are kryptonite for my types of trades…breakouts of daily highs or lows.