• Risk in 2020 mattered for a moment when the stock market plunged in late February all the way down to its eventual bottom on March 23rd. But now it is a thing of the past as traders place bets and wager big that the stock market will go up forever. In a market that doesn't

    |July 12, 2020|0 min read|
  • The stock market has seen one of the steepest and quickest sell-offs in history. And right afterwards it saw one of the greatest rallies off the lows too. For the prudent investor or trader, there is no doubt you felt left behind as the speed and velocity of the rally was breathtaking. In this episode,

    |July 8, 2020|1 min read|
  • Have you ever made a bad decision in one trade that has led you to emotionally trading in other stocks and trades resulting in equally bad decisions?  In this episode, I tackle one listener's problem pertaining to trading, and what he can do to avoid the domino effect and in the process preserve capital he

    |June 25, 2020|0 min read|
  • If you trade long enough you will have a few bad trades - actually a lot of them. I try not to just point out the biggest losers that I have ever had, but also the ones that are unique, and dealing with unusual circumstances. This week's podcast focuses in on Datadog (DDOG) which I

    |June 19, 2020|0 min read|
  • There has been some crazy moves among individual stocks of late - companies are seeing their stock price go up by 200% and 300% despite the fact they are going through bankruptcy. The market is acting like it has lost its marbles. Should you trade these stocks? I discuss that and more in this podcast.

    |June 10, 2020|0 min read|
  • We all have a 'worst trade ever' moment. In this episode I detail what was my worst trade ever, and it isn't the traditional kind of worst trade where you blow up the account - instead it was completely different and just a horrible case of bad timing, to say the least. Swing-Trading the Stock

    |May 29, 2020|0 min read|
  • Are you finding yourself scratching your head how the stock market keep rallying on the worst possible kind of news? Record unemployment: Bullish. Jobless claims: Bullish. Covid19 deaths: Bullish. Bad Earnings: Bullish. Why is that? Why does the stock market rally when the news is the worst?! Swing-Trading the Stock Market · When Bad News

    |May 22, 2020|0 min read|
  • The stock market crash and the subsequent stock market rally has everyone hoping that the worse is behind them as it pertains to the stock market, their 401(k), IRA's, and other retirement accounts. However, what the crowd does in regards to the stock market, and in particular to trading is rarely the right move. In

    |May 13, 2020|1 min read|
  • The stock market perplexes people on a daily basis. People try to understand why the stock market goes up, why the stock market goes and everything in between. The fact is, the market rarely makes sense. I mean look at it right now, we are in a full-on recession, and the Nasdaq 100 is looking

    |May 6, 2020|1 min read|
  • The old saying goes, "Sell in May and Go Away", so are we looking for that popular expression to hold true in 2020 in the midst of a pandemic we call the Coronavirus that has shut down the entire global economy and led to a recession? In the month of April, the stock market has

    |April 29, 2020|1 min read|