Today's Stock market watch list Long BGC Partners (BGCP) Long TripAdvisor (TRIP) Short AMC Entertainment Holdings (AMC)
How you can trade the following stocks: Trading successfully means you are identifying the current market trend correctly, allocating the correct amount of capital to market that matches your current level of confidence in the market's direction. Next it means that you know how to find an edge on the stocks that you are looking
Today's stock watch list Long Cisco Systems (CSCO) Long AerCap Holdings (AER) Short Gentex (GNTX)
Today's stock watch list Long Suntrust Banks (STI) Long Dana (DAN) Short DR Horton (DHI)
I’ve added one new position from the list of trade setups below. But I haven’t added anything else to the portfolio. Right now I am wanting to see whether the market can push out of the consolidation from the past four days and towards new all-time highs. As it stands right now, it is simply
Today's stock watch list Long Micron Technology (MU) Long Magna International (MGA) Short Celanese (CE)
Today’s stock watch list Long Cypress Semiconductor (CY)
Today’s stock watch list Long Norfolk Southern (NSC)
Today’s stock watch list Long Akorn (AKRX)
Today’s stock watch list Long American Airlines (AAL)