• They call this the “Week from Hell” – to me it is just another week of trading.  Sure you have the FOMC, ECB and BOJ making announcements this week, plus continued tariff threats with China, and a Kim Summit. But who cares. I am following the charts and they will continue to be my guide

    |June 11, 2018|1 min read|
  • The bulls are trying to make it a rare 2-day rally.  Or at least such an event has been non existent for the past three weeks, so any kind of consistency, even if it lasts only a few days, is welcomed. 

    |June 4, 2018|1 min read|
  • I saw the futures on Monday, thought “hey, the week is off to a good start”.  Woke up on Tuesday, preparing for the week, looked at pre-market futs and saw SPX down -22 points. 

    |May 29, 2018|1 min read|
  • The bulls aren’t giving up much ground today, and it appears like today’s price action is more of a pause in the current rally than anything to be concerned with, as it pertains to market reversals.  Below you will find my weekly list of swing trades that I am watching. Of course I’ll be adding

    |May 14, 2018|1 min read|
  • The hardest part of earnings season is behind us. Last week required a lot of tricky navigation. 

    |April 30, 2018|1 min read|
  • Trade fears have tapered some, and the US response to the Syria chemical attack has take place, and the market is trading higher today.  Honestly, if you had to pick a time for a missile strike, Friday night would have been the most preferable time for the stock market. You avoid that massive knee jerk

    |April 16, 2018|1 min read|
  • Stock Market has yet to see anyone even remotely try and buy the dip There isn’t insane volume sweeping the market today, like what we saw back in February, but the extent of this sell-off is quite extreme, especially for one day. There is plenty of news headlines hitting the market hard today, which is

    |April 2, 2018|1 min read|
  • Ideally, I would have preferred to of opened lower this morning and then rallied hard off the lows.  But such was not the case as the market has been rallying since the futures opened up last night. 

    |March 26, 2018|1 min read|
  • Ugly price action across the board today.  SPX is 38 points off the highs, as of this post, and continues to put in lower-lows and lower-highs on the intraday charts. 

    |March 13, 2018|1 min read|
  • Today is a mixed day in the market, with no clear edge in either direction.  The overall direction of the market remains up, but fighting a day like what today has been, so far, doesn’t make sense. There is little momentum in the market as it digests Friday’s gains. 

    |March 12, 2018|1 min read|