• My Swing Trading Strategy I sold my inverse ETF position in SDS on Friday for a +3.2% profit. While I’d like to still be in that position today, considering how weak the market was, selling it on Friday did make sense as the price action was well below the lower bollinger band and the S&P

    |August 5, 2019|3 min read|
  • My Swing Trading Strategy Yesterday was a real clown act by the market. I originally closed out my position in SDS for a 0.6% profit, only to have jump right back in the trade later in the day following the Trump Tweet. Right now, I have one staple play and one short position.  Indicators Volatility

    |August 2, 2019|1 min read|
  • My Swing Trading Strategy My Long position SDS which provides a 2:1 inverse return of SPY did marvelously yesterday, and helped deflect some of the losses in the two positions I was stopped out of, due to Jerome Powell’s unbelievably and disastrous presser. Seriously, can we end these senseless press conferences already? It’s a dumpster fire every time.

    |August 1, 2019|2 min read|
  • My Swing Trading Strategy I have been playing more conservative ahead of the FOMC Statement Today, I have long and short positions to give my portfolio a more “neutral” balance to it. Depending on how the market reacts to the Fed and its interest rate cut, will determine how I trade going forward. For now,

    |July 31, 2019|2 min read|
  • My Swing Trading Strategy I went more conservative yesterday, adding a utility play while also being stopped out of my software play. The market is showing a sketchiness towards growth plays this week, so far, and I’ll be looking to avoid such plays until the market can steady itself.  Indicators Volatility Index (VIX) – Downtrend in

    |July 30, 2019|2 min read|
  • My Swing Trading Strategy I added one additional long setup on Friday, while holding on to the one other position I came into the day with. I suspect the price action in the market to be limited this week ahead of the FOMC Statement and presser on Wednesday.   Indicators Volatility Index (VIX) – VIX could see

    |July 29, 2019|2 min read|
  • My Swing Trading Strategy Profits were booked in Regions Financial (RF) for a +3.1% profit. I also closed out Square (SQ) at just a shade above break even due to the earnings and market pressures. That became a mute point for the stock though. I added one position yesterday, and will look to add one more today  too. 

    |July 26, 2019|2 min read|
  • My Swing Trading Strategy I booked profits in Nvidia (NVDA) yesterday for +4%. Looking back, I was very aggressive about taking profits at the open, but I did so, because I was not overly confident that it could hold on to the premarket strength, and seemed like a solid candidate for a gap and fade (which

    |July 25, 2019|2 min read|
  • My Swing Trading Strategy I added some financial exposure yesterday, and will consider adding more long exposure today, should the market conditions warrant it. Indicators Volatility Index (VIX) – VIX sold for two straight days, and 6.8% yesterday alone, with the potential to see a retest of 12.00 in the very near future. However, with that

    |July 24, 2019|2 min read|
  • My Swing Trading Strategy I closed out one of my trades yesterday that simply wasn’t doing anything for me and was simply wavering far too much due to the low volume, summer trading. However, I added one additional trade to the portfolio and looking to ride my two positions that I currently have, to higher

    |July 23, 2019|1 min read|