• The trade war with China is creating a massive amount of tension in the stock market, as is the Federal Reserve and its comments out of Jackson Hole. Add to it the Trump tweets that are driving the market lower without warning, and you have a market in chaos and possibly on the brink of

    |August 23, 2019|1 min read|
  • This three day rally the market has been on has been good, but it may not last.  Let’s face it, any sell-off will have a 3-day rally in it, so the fact that SPX traded higher the three previous trading sessions doesn’t mean much to be completely honest. Yeah, I think it is a solid

    |August 20, 2019|1 min read|
  • My Swing Trading Strategy I added one long position to the portfolio on Friday. Didn’t want to be too aggressive in that area, simply because of the huge and unpredictable gaps in both directions over the last two weeks. Today, we are gapping even higher, and will look to find one or two trades that

    |August 19, 2019|2 min read|
  • My Swing Trading Strategy Alright, alright, alright. I closed out my position in SPXU, which again is a 3:1 inverse return of SPX, yesterday for a +3.5% profit. Not bad, but I thought I might come away with a little more than I did. Good thing I closed it though because the market is gapping

    |August 16, 2019|2 min read|
  • My Swing Trading Strategy Yesterday was a wild open, with the market completely reversing the gains from the day prior, I sold my two long positions for small losses, right at the open and avoid taking on additional losses, and took on a position in SPXU which allowed me to recover those losses. The pre-market

    |August 15, 2019|2 min read|
  • My Swing Trading Strategy With yesterday’s pop at the open of the trading session, I was taken out of my position in SPXU for a +2.8% profit. Now the market is looking at reversing yesterday’s gains on the indices and I may be getting right back in to the short side, despite having added two

    |August 14, 2019|2 min read|
  • And just like that, the trade war was won again.  Another day, another headline. The Bulls struck back at the market open with a massive surge higher following favorable trade war headlines. I could get in the details of it here, but honestly you’ve probably already read about it somewhere else, and more than likely

    |August 13, 2019|1 min read|
  • My Swing Trading Strategy No new positions for me yesterday. I considered shorting the Nasdaq some, but the volume simply wasn’t there in the selling, and I didn’t want to set my self up for a possible short squeeze right from the very start. I currently am shorting the market using a long position in

    |August 13, 2019|2 min read|
  • My Swing Trading Strategy I kept my positions the same heading into the weekend,and means I am still short on this market, and at the very least, the open,should be quite favorable today. I may consider adding more short exposure depending on the price action in the early going, and the overall breadth and volume

    |August 12, 2019|2 min read|
  • USD/Chinese Yuan chart – this is what’s causing the most pressure for the stock market, and embodies the ongoing trade war. The higher the yuan climbs (i.e. weakens against the US dollar) the more pressure it puts on US producers in their efforts to sell their products to the Chinese (it takes more Yuan to

    |August 9, 2019|1 min read|